We provide solutions for the authorisation of fleet cards of all major issuers for the business locations of our customers and partners. The ACU system (Authorisation Centre Unicode) is an authorisation switch, operated in high availability mode thanks to the geocluster architecture. In the geocluster, data is stored on two data servers in geographically separate locations (Prague, Brno). In case of failure of one server, the service continues to run from the other location. The ACU authorisation center is thus characterised by high availability and prevents data loss.

Acceptance of fleet cards is implemented either by standard bank terminals or separate terminals. Our banking partners include KBC group, Societé Generale group, Erste Bank group, UniCredit Bank, Raiffeisen Bank and Global Payments.

The authorisation centre accepts fleet cards from more than 20 issuers and their range is constantly expanding. The whole system and its modules have been developed for more than 20 years to cover all business processes of this demanding and specific field. For customers with a request for their own fleet card, we deliver a comprehensive solution covering all processes and the functionality associated with them.

The authorisation solution is based on the IFSF standard and meets the highest demands for high performance and cryptographic security. This is ensured by two clusters of Thales 10k HSM units.

The ACU system is exclusively provided to customers as a service.


  • DKV
  • UTA
  • EuroShell
  • Routex
  • MOL
  • AS24
  • E100
  • TankPool24
  • IDS
  • M-Oil
    … and others

All centralized authorization and loyalty systems mentioned above are running on the infrastructure in our data centre.